IoT Blockhain
30 juni 2018 IoT Blockchain untuk Ekosistem AgTech. "Greetings of the community, today I want to introduce a new blog about PAVOCOIN, for more details let's go to her review below": PRODUCT By bringing together cutting-edge IOT and blockchain technology, and our vast experience in harvesting Our cultivation serves the agricultural ecosystem ("Ag") which focuses on highly technological plants, processing, and distribution. - What we expert Establish monitoring systems for valuable crops 10 years experience with almond, hazelnuts and walnuts. - That's why we built it Pavo, the IoT system is used to monitor and optimize the entire cycle of crop production. Currently Pavo is being beta tested in California. - And we do not stop there Pavo brings together the needs of the AgTech ecosystem from one platform: secure transactions, secure payments, smart contracts and transactions without cash. FEATURES T...